
Jan 12, 2011


Looking for a new hobby? Are you PATIENT? Do you have steady hands? Do you love challenges? Then BEAD MOSAIC might just be right for you.

Mosaic is the art of creating images with an assemblage of small pieces of colored glass, stone, or other materials. It may be a technique of decorative art, an aspect ofinterior decoration, or of cultural and spiritual significance as in a cathedral. Small pieces, normally roughly cubic, of stone or glass of different colors, known as tesserae, (diminutive tessellae), are used to create a pattern or picture. - wikipedia-
This post is inspired by my High School friend who said this hobby all started as a school project and she continued on making great works for her love ones. 

Needed materials: 
  1. Beads
  2. Glue
  3. 2 pcs Needles
  4. Sketch/Drawing/Design
  5. Plus: Love and Inspiration
  6. Add ons: Foods and Drinks
Note: the 1st Four materials are available in any Malls near you.

How to?
  1. Your favorite animal, favorite flower, favorite character, view or anything, choose a drawing or sketch of it for you mosaic project. For the First timers, it is suggested that you make simple design as a beginner.
  2. Make sure you have a conducive area in making your project. A working table inside your room where you will be left undisturbed is best. Good ventilation and proper lighting is also a plus.
  3. Choose beads that would perfectly match your design. (colors, shapes, etc...)

  1. Put a small amount of glue to the place where you will place the beads. Do this by small portion.
  2. Using the two needles, line up beads to the glue. It would have a cleaner look if you will line up the beads properly.
  3. Make sure that the needed beads is just within reach for faster tiling.
  4. Repeat Steps 1 & 2 until you finish your project.
  1. You can have a personalized present for any of your friends and love ones that would be much appreciated.
  2. An additional to your Artsy Gallery
  3. Income generating project/hobby
  4. A liberating project/hobby
  5. A happy and contented heart.
  6. More...

Start you bead mosaic project now!

Interested but too lazy to make one? Just leave a comment below for order details.